As part of your child’s appointment we might request a skin prick test (SPT). This page explains what this test involves, and what will happen when you and your child come to our clinic. If you have any questions, please speak to a member of staff caring for your child.
SPTs are an accurate way to test individual substances to see if they cause an allergic reaction. It can test for food and aeroallergen (causing hay fever-type symptoms) allergies.
An allergy is when the immune system reacts to an allergen (such as food or pollen), as if it is a harmful substance. This can cause the following symptoms:
Why your child needs an SPT
This test will help us to identify which allergen your child may be allergic to. It can also help us monitor the progress of your child’s allergies.
Substances that can be tested
We can perform SPTs for a range of foods such as:
If you think your child might have had an allergic reaction to any other food, you can bring a small piece of it with you to the clinic. The food should not be mixed with any other products, for example sauces. It should also be individually packaged. For example, bring a whole piece of fruit rather than a pre-prepared fruit salad. If the food is usually eaten cooked, such as chicken, please bring both raw and cooked samples.
If you cannot bring the food you want tested with you, we can do a blood test to see if your child is allergic or not (see Are there any alternatives to an SPT? ).
We can also test for a wide range of allergens that are airborne (aeroallergens), for example grass and tree pollen, house dust mites, and animals.
Are there any alternatives to an SPT?
Yes. A blood test can be used to measure your child’s allergic response to a specific allergen. However, SPTs are quicker than a blood test. Results are seen in less than 15 minutes, but blood test results take about 4 weeks.
Preparing your child for the test
If your child is taking antihistamines, such as chlorphenamine (Piriton®), cetirizine (Zirtek®), or loratadine (Clarityn®), they need to stop taking them before their appointment. This is because antihistamines can interfere with the test. Please follow the instructions below:
You should contact the clinic, if you:
An SPT should not be done if your child is wheezy. If your child has a blue (reliever) inhaler and needs it on the day of their appointment, you should still come to the appointment, but let a nurse or doctor know that the child has been wheezy.
What happens before the test?
Before any allergy testing, the doctor or nurse will ask about your child’s medical history. You will need to give details about any allergic reactions or symptoms your child has been having. You might also be asked questions about your child’s:
Asking for your permission (consent)
We want to involve you in decisions about your child’s care and treatment. We will ask you if you are happy for us to perform the test. This means that you understand what it involves and agree for your child to have the test.
If you would like more information about our consent process, please speak to a member of staff caring for your child.
During the test
A nurse will place a drop of each allergen on your child’s skin (usually their forearm or upper back). The skin under the drop of allergen is then pricked with a lancet (a type of needle) that scratches the top layer of the skin. By doing this, the allergen gets under the surface of the skin.
The nurse will then wipe away the drop. If we do a test with the food you have brought with you, we will prick a piece of the food with a lancet and then immediately prick your child’s skin with it. This method is called ‘prick to prick testing’.
We can test for several allergens at your appointment. The nurse will repeat the same process for each allergen. We will make a different mark on your child’s skin with a washable pen for each test. This means we can identify the different allergen tests.
After 15 minutes, the nurse will check your child’s skin for a reaction. There are 2 types of reaction:
Does an SPT hurt?
Skin tests can be slightly uncomfortable when the skin is pricked, but they should not hurt. If the test is positive, the weal might feel itchy. This will usually start to settle after 20 minutes. Most children and infants cope with it well.
If your child is upset, a cold compress (ice pack) can be used on the area to help relieve the itching once we have the results of the test. Alternatively, we can give your child some antihistamine medicine.
After the test
The results of the SPT must always be considered with your child’s specific history of reaction or tolerance in mind. Because of this, the consultant will discuss the test results with you, and explain what they mean. Please ask any questions you have at this time.
Risks of an SPT
Typical reactions to having the test include:
Reactions from the allergens after your child has left the clinic are rare. In general, any symptoms of an allergy are noticed soon after the skin test. Local itching and swelling normally settle down within a few hours. If your child becomes upset or uncomfortable once you have left the clinic, you can use a cold compress to help relieve symptoms on the affected area. Alternatively, you can give your child some antihistamine medicine.
Very occasionally, children feel dizzy or light-headed and need to lie down. Again, we will be available to treat this if it occurs.
Severe allergic reactions from allergy testing are extremely rare. In the unlikely event that your child feels unwell after an SPT, or if they show signs of an allergic reaction, we will keep them in the department for observation.
If your child becomes unwell after you have left the clinic, please contact your GP or go to your nearest emergency department (A&E) immediately.